This is a little piece of ephemera that I have shared for years on the main Journeys Past web site, but for those of you doing research in the northern region of Pendleton County, this is a sweet little gem from the Mt. Auburn area in 1898. My great grandmother, Nellie Cox Beyersdoerfer is one of the students listed and provided this bit of history to her descendants. I also submitted a scan of the item to both the USGenWeb Pendleton County site, and allowed the transfer site that became the Pendleton County Historical Society to keep theirs.....don't get me started on that cute little bait and switch ala musical web sites. When my irritation/anger cools, I may post some clarification regarding copyright, and permissions for re-posting material from donors. And yes, I do realize this is a pre-1923, non-published item, but the issue didn't really pertain to this piece, it simply served to bring the transfer issue to my attention.

In case clicking on the image doesn't enlarge for you, the students are:
Pearl Allender, Stella Allender, Velma Norris, Nellie Cummins, Lizzie Thomas, Jessie Dunn, Edna Parker, Roy Morford, Blanche Thomas, Mary Allender, Samuel Allender, Clarence Thomas, Lanson Cox, George Cummins, Howard Bonar, Earnest Thomas, Ira Tomlin, Walter Allender, Louis Miller, Grace Foster, Daisy Dunn, Nora Bonar, Ora Sharon, Etta Miller, Orpha McGill, Maud Miller, Georgia Biddle, Dallas Norris, Robert Tomlin, Stella Biddle, Lizzie Fields, James Foster, Lucius Miller, Gussie Fields, Elbert Norris, Lee Tomlin, Walter Norris, Harry Parker, Johnny Fields.
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