Many of you know I already have a traditional web site called Journeys Past, which details the personal genealogical info on my family. However, over the years, this site has had to remain rather stagnant as I had to maintain stability and simplicity. The original site is arranged by surname or album, and is dedicated mostly to photographic gems, with very little room for commentary or even non-family related gems that I would love to share after years of collecting and researching.
After 20+ years of researching my own family tree, finishing my BA in History and my Masters in Library Science, I have collected so many wonderful stories, photos and historical odds and ends, that my files are just bursting at the seams to be shared with those who might be similarly interested. This is my contribution, which I hope you will enjoy.
On a side note, as you can see from my location, much of my content will naturally gravitate towards the Central Kentucky/Southern Ohio regions. But have no fear, my historical interests are vast, and I will be sharing many tidbits from the rest of the country or the world depending on my historical ambitions!
Enough about me, let's get started on the journey!
Could this Possibly be Wood Betony?
While coming back down the mountains at Newfound Gap Tennessee, my friend
and I pulled over to snap a couple of pics alongside the roaring and
beautiful s...
14 years ago