Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2014

NGS 2014: 'A' Begins with Adkinson!

As we all pack the bags, gather the chargers, plan our schedules, and play with the App, I was reminded of a Not-To-Miss session for those with Kentucky roots. When downloading the updates and exploring the conference app, I clicked on "Speakers", and right there at the top of the 'A' section was Kandie Adkinson. The title of her session on Friday at 11AM is (Room GRCC B15B): Kentucky Land Patents: Mind Bogglers or Treasures?  For me, I usually lean toward "Bogglers", even though I know they are "Treasures". Over the past couple of years, I have heard Kandie speak about the Kentucky Land Patent system, and without her years of knowledge, none of us would be able to grasp the complex beauty of these records. She has a wonderful way of incorporating the historical context to help you understand the purpose and process behind these eye-crossers.

If you have ANY Kentucky pioneers or early settlers, you simply cannot miss this session. With over 35 years of experience working for the Kentucky Secretary of State Land Office, this woman is an absolute treasure unto herself! Oh, and after you've attended, buy the CD! Seriously, this will be an hour of unadulterated wisdom that you will want to refer to over and over again. Besides the legalities and access issues surrounding the Patent system, she will also be covering the digitization of these records. Many are available for free on their website, but she will give you an update on where they are in the process, and how to read and use them in your research. Don't get cocky just because you found your ancestor in the land records on their site - the true test is understanding what you found!

This is your opportunity to get some real meat in the genealogy education department - don't miss it!


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