Showing posts with label Sojourner Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sojourner Truth. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Fav - For Black History Month

I ran across this anecdote as re-printed in the Falmouth Pendletonian, August 4, 1881. The paper it came from is a little known title from the Pendleton County Kentucky area. After a brief review, it appears to be a little more political in nature than the Falmouth Outlook that followed later and still exists today. I also found it interesting that less than 20 years after the Civil War, this border state county, very close to the Ohio River, was still publishing a prominent piece about the previous abolitionist movement - just under the masthead. Curious - perhaps a reason to further investigate the racial relations of this small county?
Anyway, a wonderful funny for a Friday afternoon! Sojourner Truth - gotta love this American heroine and national treasure!


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