Our family history is crammed full of military men, serving in various capacities and fighting in various wars. However, in my research, I have not come across any fallen among our ranks. I'm sure they exist somewhere in the side branches of my family, but the main branches seemed to reside under a blanket of protection that brought them all safely back home once the fighting was over. Today is meant to honor those fallen while serving our country. While I value all military men and women, past and present, as those most precious to our freedom, those who gave the ultimate sacrifice deserve this day in May to help us remember what they sacrificed for all of us. The photo below was taken in August 1938. My grandfather, Charles Daniels, is among the group, but he made it home. I can't help but wonder - who among these precious souls did not make it home after that terrible war darkened their smiling faces? We honor them today.

How sleep the Brave, who sink to Rest,
By all their Country's Wishes blest!
When Spring, with dewy Fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallow'd Mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter Sod
Than Fancy's Feet have ever trod.
By Fairy Hands their knell is rung,
By Forms unseen their Dirge is sung;
There Honour comes, a Pilgrim grey,
To bless the Turf that wraps their Clay,
And Freedom shall a-while repair
To dwell a weeping Hermit there!
Ode to the Brave by William Collins, 1746
CD 5/31/10
We surely do. :)
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